Massage & Bodywork
"My nervous system has calmed down and I feel grounded again, connected with myself."
"There is more space, clarity, and lightness inside me."
I often hear this after a session.
Esalen Massage® & Bodywork, named after its place of origin Esalen in California (USA), is a deeply nourishing journey to reconnect with and ground yourself in your body and to calm down the nervous system.
Presence and loving mindfulness build trust and allow you to drop deep into your body.
Nourishing touch in rhythm with your breath, and gentle yet powerful massage techniques release muscular hardening and invite your body to release physical and emotional blockages and control. Long flowing strokes, gentle stretching, joint release and movements of the whole body create more space and flexibility.
Esalen Massage® & Bodywork is less a "treatment" and more an intuitive dance and dialogue through the language of touch between giver and receiver. The energy flow harmonizes, self-healing powers are energized, and a new conscious and comfortable state of being can arise.
Above all, however, it is a touch from heart to heart; presence and loving attentiveness in the physical touch open gates to our heart and thus to our feelings, a deep relaxation is possible when we entrust ourselves with heart and soul to another person.
You can enjoy an Esalen Massage® & Bodywork by appointment in Corfu.
A session lasts about 90 yummy minutes.
One session: 95 Euros
Package of 3 sessions: 250 Euros
Payment is possible in cash, by bank transfer or Stripe.