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Remember to take your body with you in times of transformation


Our body is the vessel we experience this life in. If we go through phases of change or growth, our body does too. But as its energy field is the most dense one of all our energy fields and it also transforms everything we go through, it usually needs more time to adjust with the changes that are happening.

When we don’t give our body the time and really deeply ALLOW ourselves this growth, it will point us to it by all kinds of physical complaints or pain. Even if the changes are positive, like establishing a new routine for your day, changing your diet, moving somewhere else, releasing old thinking patterns, getting a new job, become self-employed, starting a new relationship, etc.

You might feel tired, exhausted, your joints or muscles or even the bones might hurt. It can feel as if you need more vitamins or minerals. Your skin could start to itch. All signs of your body telling you that it needs attention to integrate and transform the growth deep down in its cells.

What can you do to support the process?

💓move your body

Even if you have some kind of movement practice, maybe it is time to change it, at least for a while. Give your body new impulses. If you don’t do any kind of movement, this is a good time to start. Walking, jogging, Yoga, swimming, dancing, cycling to work instead of taking the car. Whatever feels good for your body and what is different from before.

For me, for example, the last weeks and months have all been about expansion. Expansion in my business, becoming more visible with my work. Expansion in my living circumstances, as the period of grounding and healing, which required a home like a cave, switched into more connection and community, more space and lead to moving into a bigger house with a good friend and a dog. And my body needed to adjust to that expansion. Also to allow it! It was asking for clean food and a lot of stretching and walking. Also of clearing my system of old patterns, connections, shedding old skin. So I did a lot of energy clearing, YinYoga, stretching and gave it brush massages. And treated myself with nourishing massages and bodywork sessions.

And danced and danced and danced - tried to move in new ways, tried new music, expanded my steps and my movement. So my body can experience expansion on all levels, in all the cells, in all the depths.

💓touch your body

Nourish your body with gentle touch. Give yourself massages. So profound. That calms down the nervous system, which is of course in high alert when you step out of your comfort zone. Find a few minutes every day to nourish your body with touch. That will tell your nervous system that it is safe and that you are taking care of your body.

💓nourish your body with good food

When things change in your life, your whole system consumes more energy to make it all happen. For that you might need more vitamins and minerals, more fresh veggies and fruits, or different ones than you ate before, and maybe supplements for some time. Possibly less coffee, sugar, gluten, wine, etc. In this case, less is more 😊.

💓take some time to breathe and pause

Change and growth requires time - to integrate, to process. Try not to rush things. ALLOW yourself to surrender to the process. It will take as long as it takes anyway. Start your day with 5 minutes of just breathing. Or just be still. Looking out the window. Take a walk and let the fresh air fill your lungs. Take your shoes off and just feel the ground beneath you for a moment.

💓Listen to your body - it will tell you what it needs.

If you need support in your process, you could start with my live video series “15 Days of Grounding” on my YouTube-Channel. You can also work with me in single sessions, if you would love some inspiration, or over a longer period, if you want to dive deep. I would love to support you on your journey! Feel free to get in touch


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