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Walking barefoot after the rain


For me and my feet this is one of the best delights ever!

The olive grove smells not only differently, the ground and the leaves on it are much softer. When it’s dry, walking on the leaves sound a bit like eating crisps. And it feels like walking on crisps as well.

After a rainfall they feel fresh and rather soft and you sink in a little bit like you do when you walk on fresh moss.

And my inner child always loves playing in the mud and the puddles, yes!

Sinking into the smoothness of the soil feels a little bit like a gentle foot massage. 👣

When I speak with people about walking barefoot, many are worried that the soles of their feet will get a lot of cornea. In my experience they will not! Yes, the skin of the soles gets a little bit thicker, which provides a better protection against any splits etc. But the feet rather get more sensitive. Each of the over 70.000 nerve endings get more and more activated, so every time you walk barefoot, you have a sensual explosion happening in your feet! And I bet that after a while you could walk blindfolded over different subsoils and tell exactly what it is you are walking on!✨

And when you feel stressed, you can breath all the stress out through your whole body and your feet directly into Mother Earth, who will transform this old energy. And you will feel refreshed and also more relaxed than before, and more connected with your body.


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