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What about food? When your body's needs are changing


Maybe you noticed during the last months in these transformational times that your body is changing? That things that have been nourishing you and your body before are not nourishing anymore? You need a different kind of movement to feel good. Or you have a new sleeping rhythm. Maybe you need much more sleep and rest than before. I can definitely say Yes to that and hear this fro other people as well. At the same time my body wants to have much more movement or exercise during the day. I always loved to walk. At least one hour every day. Preferably barefoot. Now it has to be at least two hours a day to feel balanced. Luckily I have a dog with the same needs😆👣

And also I recognise a change in my diet. If you’re following here for a while, you know that a few years ago I started eating raw greens for breakfast. While still having two more meals a day. Especially in the last few months that shifted immensely. With more movement and exercise you could imagine that my body needed more food, energy in the form of calories. But - no. It does not. It asks for even more vegetables, preferably raw or just steamed. Some lentils, chickpeas. Nuts. Dates. All kinds of grain, potatoes, pasta is a clear No. Milk products - No. Coffee - No. Fruits - a little bit. Except citrus fruits. I could have tons of them right now. And even sometimes have fish, which I haven’t eaten for ages. I will explore that further and I am really curious about my experience about

What kind of food does my body really need right now?

And it can also change again in a few months.

My feeling and experience is that it is not only the needs of our bodies that are changing, it is also the body itself. Due to these immense new and intense energies streaming in from the Universe, more sun storms and other incidents, the structure of our body is changing too. To me it feels that it gets lighter, more crystalline. And that needs a different kind of food and nutrients. And this is different for everyone and probably might crash the diet that you used to follow. Maybe suddenly you feel the urge for meat although you have been a vegetarian. Or you start going into raw food. Or…something else.

This can be a really deep and inspiring journey to really feel into what your body really needs to be well nourished and energised. Not what your head thinks it should have or what is healthy.

Have you had radical changes in your diet recently?

What are your experience with this?

Let us know in the comments💓

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